How to distinguish the front and back of screen printing inkjet printing film?
The screenn printing inkjet film is a silver halide layer coated with milky white surface, and the base of the base is coated with an anti-halation layer (anti-curvature layer), usually with a black or green film layer, and the color of this layer is rolled with a faded layer that disappears in the middle. There are boxed film and tube, boxed film with medicinal film face down and placed facing up, tube with film medicinal face, crimped packaging, packing box (the packing box is filled with film medicinal film to put the crimped appetite). On the other hand, based on experience, observe the color below to safely object or object.
The method of copying the yin and yin with the original image of the yang image is to have a special hard color film, and the direct image adopts the method of yang and yin image (yang and yin): At room temperature, use -12 years old, f-5 fixed, you can use negative negative film opposite to the original.